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  • Care home

Foxholes Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Pirton Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 2EN (01462) 410767

Provided and run by:
Foxholes Nursing Home Limited

Report from 11 September 2024 assessment

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Updated 8 November 2024

People, relatives and staff were positive about how the service was run and the management team. Systems were in place to drive improvement and identify any issues. Action plans were in place where needed. The team worked with external agencies and partners to help ensure people received good care. The management team shared their vision for the service they wanted to provide and staff were clear on expectations to achieve this.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

We did not look at Shared direction and culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff were positive about the culture and approach in the home. A staff member said, “Foxholes operates like a family residential home, staff are happy to be at work, likewise resident are happy to with everyday activities, I like the fact that they make residents wellbeing paramount and so they can live their own way of life.” Another staff member told us the registered manager had been on their unit most of the previous day as a person had been unsettled so they stayed to support the person and the staff. The registered manager told us, “We really care about our residents, they are like family. I tell staff if you can’t care for people as if they were your relative this isn’t the place for you. Everything we do is for our residents.”

There were systems in place to ensure care was personalised. Training and guidance were in place to invest in staff. This helped to ensure the right culture was embedded to provide a people first approach. It was evident the expectations were widely known when observing staff supporting people as they demonstrated this approach.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Most staff were positive about how the management team engaged with and involved them. A staff member said, “The platform is available for us to make our complaint or say about our concerns.” Another staff member said, “We are frequently asked for feedback, and there is open communication across the team, making it a positive and collaborative working environment.”

There were resident, relative and staff meetings, supervisions and surveys carried out to help ensure staff had the opportunity to raise queries or concerns and share ideas.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff were positive about the management and running of the service. A staff member said, “The management team at Foxholes is highly supportive and regularly conducts spot checks. One of the best things about Foxholes is the atmosphere. It’s a homely, welcoming environment where both residents and staff are well-supported. I can confidently say that this is the best care home I have ever worked with due to the strong focus on both resident well-being and staff development.”

There were governance systems to help identify and address any issues. These checks covered key areas such as health and safety, falls and medicines. Where issues were found, a plan was implemented and actioned to resolve it. The registered manager and deputy manager worked at opposite ends of the day to provide oversight and support to the home.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People and relatives told us they were supported them to access other professionals and receive the right care that met people's individual needs. A relative said, “The weekly doctor’s rounds are extremely useful if there are any health concerns, and my [person] has also been under the care of the excellent district nurses.” Another relative said, “My [person] has been rather ill on a few occasions, and additional medical care and advice have always been sought by the staff to ensure their wellbeing.” A third relative told us, “I think Foxholes is a high-quality care home with a team who really care about the residents. The atmosphere is relaxed but professional. I appreciate the flexibility shown to accommodate different residents needs and the open attitude to any concerns.”

A visiting health professional told us they felt people were well cared for, staff followed advice, and the management team were accessible and supportive. A report from a recent local authority visit had found areas for improvement. We reviewed the action plan and found there had been improvements made in the areas we reviewed.

The provider worked with external agencies to ensure good care. This included a care providers association to access training and updates, nursing and hospice teams to provide a hospital at home service and other health and social care teams so health care and support were accessible. The team worked through any actions from a report for the local authority.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff told us information was shared and training provided to drive improvements and innovation. A staff member said, “If there are changes to Policies, these are sent out by [deputy manager] to inform us all. We discuss lessons learned from complaints, accident and safeguarding's at the staff meetings.” Another staff member said, “We are kept up to date with any changes to policies, legislation, or best practices. Information about lessons learned from incidents or safeguarding concerns is shared transparently, promoting a culture of learning and continuous improvement.”

There were weekly learning tasks in the home to help keep staff knowledge up to date. There had been a weekly newsletter started. People and relatives were positive about this and the information it shared. The team worked with external agencies on pilot systems, such as hospital at home, to help provide a better experience for people and keep them in their home.