This inspection took place on 4 November 2015 and was unannounced. The provider is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to 39 people. On the day of our inspection 33 people lived at the home. People lived with a range of conditions which related to old age and included dementia.
At our last inspection in September 2013, we asked the provider to take action to make improvements to the safety of the premises and equipment used by people and this action has been completed.
There was a registered manager in post and she was present during our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People felt safe using the service and risks to their safety had been identified. People and their relatives had no concerns about their family member’s day to day safety. Staff knew how to support people safely but not all staff had training in how to recognise and report abuse.
Staff were recruited in a safe way. People and their relatives felt that enough staff were available to meet their needs.
Staff were kind and caring. Interactions between staff and the people who lived at the home were friendly and polite. Staff were considerate and helpful to people.
Medicines were managed safely and ensured that people received their medicine as it had been prescribed by their GP. People had access to healthcare facilities to support them with their health needs.
People were happy with the meals offered. Care had been taken to ensure people had the support they needed to eat enough. Drinks were offered throughout the day to prevent the risk of dehydration.
Staff felt that they were provided with the training that they required to care for people appropriately. Staff were actively supported in their care roles.
Staff were aware of how to seek people’s consent and respect their choices. However further training was needed to ensure they effectively supported people’s rights.
People were confident their complaint would be listened to and they had access to complaint procedures.
Quality monitoring processes were in place although this had not ensured that the provider took preventative or corrective action in relation to the safety of the premises when this was needed.