A single inspector carried out this inspection. We talked to six of the 22 people using the service and three visitors. We looked at five people's care records and observed care provided. We talked with two staff, the manager and the deputy manager. We examined training records and the documentation relating to quality audits. This helped us to answer the questions below.
Is the service safe?
Risk assessments were in place to identify the risks to people using the service and identify action needed to reduce these risks. Where required equipment was in place to meet the needs of people using the service, for example, standing aids, specialist beds and mattresses.
People told us they felt safe at the home. They had confidence in the staff caring for them and the managers
We found that safeguarding policies and procedures required review to ensure they meet current requirements. We were concerned that a safeguarding incident had not been identified and therefore reported appropriately.
Is the service effective
Care plans were developed with the involvement of people using the service and reflected their needs and preferences. They were reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they met current needs.
Visitors confirmed they were able to visit freely and were able to see their relative in private if they wished.
The home collaborated with other professionals and services to ensure people's health needs were identified and met.
Is the service caring?
People told us staff were friendly and caring. One person said, 'I don't think anybody could do any better.' Another person described it as, 'Feeling like home '
People's privacy and confidentiality was maintained and they were treated with dignity and respect.
Is the service responsive?
People were provided with information on how to make a complaint and told us they felt able to raise any issues with the staff or manager. One person said, 'They (the manager) told me how to make a complaint and they said that if there is ever anything I am unhappy about come and talk to us. I feel that I can do that as they are easy to talk to.'
Senior staff met with each person using the service monthly to review the quality of the service provided and identify changes.
Staff listened to feedback from people using the service and responded to this wherever possible.
Is the service well led?
There was a programme of quality audits to assess the quality of care and introduce improvements.
A training programme was in place to ensure staff had the knowledge and skills necessary for their roles. However, staff did not have regular supervision or appraisal to assess their progress and identify their training needs.
The manager was available to staff and people using the service on a daily basis and was proactive in identifying issues.