Prior to our visit we reviewed all the information we had received from the provider. During the inspection we spoke with 11 people who used the service and one relative and asked them for their views. We also spoke with three care workers, the assistant manager and the registered manager. We looked at some of the records held in the service including the care files for six people. We observed the care and support people who used the service received from staff and carried out a brief tour of the building.The summary below describes what people using the service, a relative and the staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
People's needs had been assessed and individual care plans drawn up to meet people's needs. These assessments and plans included consideration of risks to the person and how these could be managed to keep the person safe.
There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. We were told by staff members we spoke with that they were able to contact a manager when they needed to.
We found that people were protected from the risk of abuse because the provider had ensured that safeguarding policies and procedures were in place and available to staff. Staff had been trained in safeguarding and knew what to do in the event of abuse being suspected, witnessed or alleged.
There were enough staff on duty to meet the needs of the people living at the home.
People we spoke with told us there were enough staff to meet their needs. A relative we talked with also told us there were enough staff to meet their relative's needs.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to care homes. While no applications have needed to be submitted, proper policies and procedures were in place. Relevant staff had been trained to understand when an application should be made, and how to submit one.
Is the service effective?
People told us they were happy with the care and support they received and felt their needs had been met. It was clear from what we saw and from speaking with staff that they understood people's care and support needs and that they knew them well.
We saw people being cared for and supported in accordance with their plans. Staff had received training to meet the needs of the people living at the home.
One person who had an upstairs room was keen to move downstairs to make it easier to get around. The manager of the home was working with the person, their family and social worker to ensure the home could continue to meet their changing needs, whilst waiting for a downstairs room to become available.
We found that people had been involved in drawing up and agreeing to the care and support they received. We saw that written consent was in place for personal care and for medical treatment.
Is the service caring?
People were cared for and supported by kind and attentive staff. We saw staff talking with people in a kind, calm and respectful manner. We observed staff supporting people to move about the home with patience and consideration.
Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about the individual needs of people. Staff told us they felt it was important to support people to remain as independent as possible. One staff member said, "We try to make sure people are able to be as independent as they can".
People we spoke with told us, "Staff are lovely, kind and attentive" and, "I can't fault the staff". A relative told us they were happy with the way their relative was cared for and supported.
Is the service responsive?
People's needs had been assessed before they moved into the home. We found that each person's needs were regularly reviewed with care plans updated when needed. Records showed that people were supported in line with these plans.
People had access to activities that were important to them and had been supported to maintain relationships with their friends and relatives.
One person we spoke told us, 'My razor broke this morning and they've fixed it already, looking smart is important to me'.
Is the service well-led?
We found that quality assurance processes were in place. People's views had been obtained by the provider along with the views of relatives and staff.
People told us "This is a well run home with excellent staff". Staff told us, "The manager is very supportive" and "There's a great team here". An agency worker told us, 'This is one of the best homes I've worked in, there is a homely atmosphere and the people and staff are lovely'.
Staff we spoke with told us they thought the manager and assistant manager were excellent role models in treating people who lived at the home and their relatives with respect. The manager told us the owner of the home was supportive and visited the home regularly.
We found that staff received training and the manager was able to provide evidence that most of the staff held vocational qualifications relevant to their role. Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities.