The inspection team was made up of one inspector. We set out to answer our five questions; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, discussions with people who lived at the home, the staff who supported them and looking at records.
If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
We spoke with four of the 11 people who lived at the home. They told us that they were happy with the care that they received. We found that care was planned in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. The individual care plans we looked at were supported by detailed assessments that identified possible risks to people, such as falling when mobilising on uneven ground, slipping and falling when in the bath or shower rooms and epilepsy.
We saw that the home had an infection control policy that had been updated in February 2012. We spoke with two members of staff who were able to demonstrate that they had a good understanding of infection control procedures. This included hand washing, the use of personal protective equipment, such as gloves and disposable aprons, disposal of contaminated waste and proper practice for soiled laundry.
However, during a tour of the premises we noted that appropriate standards of cleanliness and hygiene had not always been maintained. We saw that there were a number of radiators in communal areas and people's rooms that had decorative covers with cut outs on the front and side covers. These had not been cleaned effectively. We saw that there was a build-up of dust in a number of the cut outs on these covers.
We looked in a communal shower and toilet on the ground floor. We found that the flooring in this had split and had, in one place been filled with silicon. However not all the crack had been filled. The flooring and the coving were also stained with a rust coloured stain. The manager told us that they were waiting for the floor covering to be replaced but did not know when this work would be completed.
We noted that people's personal records were not always accurate and fit for purpose. We looked at the care records of three of the 11 people who lived at the home. We noted that a review of one person's care plan, which had been completed on 21 May 2014 with their social worker, had not been recorded within their care plans or risk assessments.
The manager told us that people would be at risk of harm if they were to leave the building unaccompanied. The door to the home was therefore kept locked. The manager advised that they were in the process of applying for the correct authorisation for the deprivation of people's liberty for their safety. The local authority had indicated to the manager that they were waiting for further guidance on the matter.
We saw that the staffing levels had been determined according to people's needs using a staffing level tool. This was checked by the manager on 19 May 2014. At the level of occupancy on the day of our inspection the tool showed that the home had almost twice the staffing level that the tool suggested was required.
Is the service effective?
One person we spoke with told us, "They are good to me. It is like a big family." Another person said, "It is very nice. I like it here. I am very happy here." They went on to say, "I can honestly say everybody has been really wonderful to me."
We looked at the personal files of three members of staff. These showed that supervision meetings had taken place for each of them every two months. The meetings followed a prescribed pattern during which their performance was reviewed. Future work targets, training support, development and personal needs and any other matters arising from their employment were also discussed. The records showed that staff members were encouraged to identify specific development needs to increase their knowledge and skills.
Is the service caring?
We observed care workers as they interacted with people in the dining room and lounges. We noted that the care workers were patient and caring as they involved people in activities such as games and nail painting. They demonstrated, through their interactions, that they were aware of people's likes and dislikes.
Is the service responsive?
We saw that the manager held regular meetings with people who lived at the home. The minutes of a meeting held on 13 May 2014 showed that people had discussed a variety of topics such as the 'people's wish tree'. menus, outings and activities. We saw that people had requested a change in the menu. They wanted to replace soups and casseroles with salads and quiche and to include ham, egg and chips on the menu. On the day of our inspection one of the choices for the main meal was ham, egg and chips.
People had also asked for the opportunity to grow plants and vegetables in the garden We saw that they had been provided with plant pots and tomato plants which they cared for on the balcony at the home.
Is the service well-led?
The manager showed us the results of a number of comprehensive spot checks that they had undertaken. These included checks of the communication book, food store, medicine storage, kitchen area, household cleanliness, care plans, record keeping and working practices. We saw that as a result of a household cleanliness and tidiness spot check completed on 13 March 2014 the cleaning rotas had been reorganised. These now ensured that deep cleaning was carried out throughout the house and specific tasks were completed each day. This showed that the manager acted on the findings of their spot checks.
We looked at the results of a recent survey of staff members. The results were mainly positive. One person had commented, "I have had a lot of support from both the management and the care staff." Another staff member commented, "I find my manager to be very good." A third staff member commented, "[Name] is a very supportive manager and listens to me." We spoke with two staff members who told us that they felt supported by the manager.