We gave short notice of our inspection. At the time of our inspection the service was providing personal care to 16 people living in their own flats in the extra sheltered scheme. We spoke with seven people who received support, two staff and the registered manager. The information we gathered helped us to answer the five questions we always ask. Below is a summary of what we found.
The detailed evidence supporting our summary can be read in our full report.
Is the service safe?
One person told us 'I leave my front door unlocked all day. Carers will lock the door at the end of the day. I love it here.'
All the staff we spoke with told us that they felt that the people who used the service were well cared for, their needs were met and that people were safe. Staff told us there was always a member of staff available on the premises. We saw that people had neck pendants that they could use in emergency situations. Staff told us about the actions they would take in the event of an emergency so people received medical attention promptly.
The care records showed how people wanted to be supported and provided the information that staff needed to ensure people's wellbeing and safety.
Staff had received training and support so that they could care for people safely.
People told us that they were able to choose the care and support they received. We saw that they had copies of their care plans and risk assessments in their flats so they knew what support to expect. People told us that staff always asked them what support they wanted and when they wanted it.
Overall, we found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was safe.
Is the service effective?
All the people we spoke with told us that they had the same regular care staff that knew their needs. We saw that there was a stable staff team that provided care and support. This meant that people received consistent care from people they knew. All the people we spoke with told us that the staff were good and provided the support they wanted.
We found that some systems were in place to audit the care that people received. One member of staff told us, "Spot checks are carried out to ensure we do our job right." People spoken with and records looked at confirmed that the checks took place regularly. This meant that the systems in place were effective in identifying where improvements were needed.
We found that effective recruitment procedures were in place that ensured that following the relevant recruitment checks only suitable staff were employed.
People had their needs assessed and care records showed how they wanted to be supported. We saw records that showed that people's needs were reviewed regularly so that any changes to their needs were planned for.
Overall, we found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was effective.
Is the service caring?
All of the people that we spoke with told us that staff were polite and caring. One person told us, 'The staff are good and always speak nicely to us'.
All the staff that we spoke with knew the care and support needs of people and this ensured that personal care was provided in a way that the person preferred. A staff member told us, "I always treat people in the way I would like my parents treated."
Overall, we found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was caring.
Is the service responsive?
People told us that the registered manager was always available to listen to them. We saw that there were meetings for people who lived in the scheme and they were able to make suggestions about the support they received. This meant that people had the opportunity to raise issues. The provider had a complaints procedure in place and people told us that they knew how to raise any concerns, if needed. This showed that the provider listened to the views of the people that used the service to improve the overall service provision.
Overall, we found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was responsive.
Is the service well lead?
There was a registered manager in place who was aware of their legal responsibilities. All the people we spoke with told us that they knew who the registered manager was and that he was always available to speak to.
All the staff we spoke with told us that they could raise any concern about poor practice in the service and these would be addressed to ensure people were protected from the risk of harm. All the staff told us that they liked working in the scheme and felt supported by the registered manager.
Arrangements were in place to ensure that staff knew how to act in the event of an emergency so that people were safe.
Overall, we found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was well lead.