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  • Homecare service

Alcedo Care South Lakes

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

6 Market Place, Kendal, LA9 4TN (01539) 885885

Provided and run by:
Alcedo Orange Limited

Report from 27 October 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

We assessed Alcedo Care South Lakes between 30 October 2024 and 26 November 2024. We looked at all 5 key questions; safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. The service provided personal care to people living in their own homes. When we last inspected Alcedo Care South Lakes we found a breach of the regulations relating to good governance. During this inspection we found the provider was no longer breaching the regulations. Staff told us they received very good support and they worked well as a team. There were good staff support systems and a staff recognition scheme to reward good practice. The provider had effective systems to identify and investigate allegations of abuse and identify lessons learnt. Staff understood their role in safeguarding. They had completed specific safeguarding training, as well as a range of other care-related training courses. New staff were recruited safely. Medicines were managed safely. Regular audits were completed so potential errors could be identified and addressed quickly. The provider’s mission, values and care philosophy were focused on delivering high quality and personalized care. There were effective quality assurance (QA) systems, which provided real time information to enable managers to act swiftly to address any issues. A newly developed dashboard provided a pictorial snapshot of performance and progress. Incidents, accidents, safeguarding allegations and medicines errors were regularly analysed to identify the root cause and recommend appropriate actions. There were good opportunities for staff to share feedback through regular meetings. The provider had systems to share any learning and other important information with staff. The provider had developed links with a range of external partners and had received external recognition for the care provided. There were clear strategic goals to develop the service and invest in staff retention and recruitment.

People's experience of this service

People and relatives gave consistently positive feedback. They told us staff were usually reliable and arrived on-time. People and relatives described staff as kind, responsive and aways respectful. Relatives confirmed they were involved in their family member’s care and felt they were safe. People were involved in assessing their needs and deciding how their care should be provided. This was used to develop detailed and personalised care plans. They were also involved in regular reviews to make sure the care continued to reflect their needs.