- Homecare service
Caremark Brent
Report from 21 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Assessing needs
- Delivering evidence-based care and treatment
- How staff, teams and services work together
- Supporting people to live healthier lives
- Monitoring and improving outcomes
- Consent to care and treatment
People's needs were assessed and planned for in a person-centred way. People were supported to stay healthy and access healthcare services when needed. Staff worked closely with families. Staff worked with external professionals to help provide care and support which reflected best practice. The service was working within the principles of the MCA. Staff spoke positively about working at the service. Staff said they were well supported by their colleagues and management and there was a positive working environment.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Assessing needs
Relatives told us they had been involved in the care planning process. A care needs assessment had been carried out before people received care from the agency.
Staff told us people's needs were documented in care plans and this was useful to them when providing care and support to people. The manager told us they regularly reviewed people’s care with the involvement of their relatives to ensure care plans accurately reflected people’s needs.
Care records included assessments of people’ needs which included their medical needs. They reflected an understanding of people’s individual needs and how to meet these.
Delivering evidence-based care and treatment
The majority of relatives told us the staff and manager had a good understanding of needs, including dementia.
Staff had undertaken training to understand and implement best practice. This included specific clinical training Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) feeding for those staff who provided this support. The manager told us they kept informed of best practices and shared this information with staff during supervisions and team meetings.
Management shadowed new care staff supported them to learn how to follow best practice. They had information and training which reflected good practice guidance and legislation. Staff were provided with guidance and additional training when needed. This had helped staff to deliver more appropriate care.
How staff, teams and services work together
The majority of relatives we spoke with told us care staff were knowledgeable and understood their family member’s needs. A relative told us, “During the final part of a lengthy stay in hospital they supported us 100% and made a traumatic time manageable.” However, another relative told us, “The carers are not up to speed with how to react in an emergency situation.” We discussed the feedback with management who advised that they would carry out further refresher training for all staff and would discuss during individual supervision sessions.
When speaking with care staff, we noted that the level of English spoken was in some instances limited and some care staff struggled to understand a few of the questions that were asked. In some instances, care staff needed prompting before they were able to answer some questions. We raised this with management and discussed the importance of care staff being able to understand and relay information clearly especially in a case of an emergency. We saw documented evidence that management had reviewed English verbal skills individually with each member of staff as part of their induction to help ensure they were able to speak a reasonable level of English. Management acknowledged the feedback obtained and said that in response to this they would carry out further language sessions with staff to help ensure they were familiar with key words and to further develop their language and written skills. They highlighted that this was an ongoing area they were already addressing and were committed to developing and improving on this further over time. Staff told us they were supported in their work and felt valued working at the service. They spoke positively about communication between staff and felt comfortable reaching out to their colleagues and management for support. A member of staff told us, “It is good working here. Management understands us. The manager is very good. They are helpful and very supportive.” Staff said they worked well as a team.
We did not receive feedback from external partners
Systems were in place to help keep staff informed of changes within the service. This was done through messages and meetings. Staff worked well as a team, sharing information with one another as necessary to help ensure people received continuity of care.
Supporting people to live healthier lives
Relatives told us staff monitored their health and wellbeing and were supported to stay healthy.
Staff monitored people and recorded their progress on daily notes which were held electronically. This included areas such as nutrition, hydration, activities and health concerns. We looked at a sample of these and found that the level of detail recorded in these varied. We discussed this with management. Management advised that staff receive further training around the completion of these to help ensure appropriate information and detail was documented.
There was a system in place to help ensure people’s health and well-being was monitored. Care plans included information about people's health conditions. This information helped staff know how to safely care for people and meet their individual needs.
Monitoring and improving outcomes
Outcomes were set for people in their care plans. These detailed how these outcomes were to be achieved.
Daily notes were completed by staff. These enabled staff to monitor people and help staff respond to people’s changing needs promptly to help promote positive outcomes.
Care plans we reviewed showed evidence of outcomes being monitored and progression towards goals.
Consent to care and treatment
Relatives told us they were involved in their family member’s care and support. People were supported to consent to their care and treatment where possible.
Staff had completed Mental Capacity Act (MCA) training. Staff were aware of the importance of giving people time to make their own decisions where possible. Management was aware of the importance of making decisions in people’s best interests and not imposing unnecessary restrictions on people.
An appropriate MCA policy was in place.