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  • Homecare service


Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Weatherill House, New South Quarter, 23 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 4WF 0345 548 3300

Provided and run by:
Acerta24 Limited

Report from 28 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 13 June 2024

Relatives told us they felt they and their family members were safe and were protected from the risk of abuse. The service had appropriate safeguarding procedures. Staff told us they received regular training and they knew how to safeguard people from abuse and the processes that should be followed where concerns arose. Assessments of people’s needs and any risks were carried out and formed part of the care plan. Relatives told us these care plans were reviewed appropriately and drawn up together with themselves. Risk management strategies were in place as part of the assessment and support planning process. This meant risks to people and to staff were minimised and people’s care was appropriately delivered to meet their needs. There were robust recruitment practices in place that meant new staff were safely recruited. There were sufficient staff levels to meet people's needs. Good levels of training and supervision support were provided for staff. Infection control was well managed. Effective policies were in place and staff practices monitored to ensure standards were met. Appropriate policies and procedures were in place to ensure people received their medicines safely. Comprehensive training was available for staff on the safe administration of medicines. This together with appropriate supervision and monitoring meant when required people received their medicines, it was administered safely and staff had clear guidance to follow.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

We did not look at Learning culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.


Score: 3

Relatives of people said, “Staff are fully trained to keep people safe, including using effective behavioural support methods”, “I feel my child is safe’’, “I absolutely do think my [family member] is safe” and “I trust them to care for my [family member] and keep them safe.”

Staff were aware of the policies and procedures to follow and staff understood what to do to ensure people were protected from abuse. Staff said they had had appropriate training. Comments from staff included, “We always inform the manager and document what happened”, “If I any incidents arose, I would support the resident and report it to the manager and record it.” The registered manager was aware of their duty of candour and which agencies, incidents needed reporting to. Staff also knew the process for whistleblowing and how to report anything related to this.

There were appropriate policies and procedures in place for dealing with complaints. We saw complaints made were fully investigated and where necessary action plans were drawn up to ensure improvements were made when needed. Policies and procedures covered safeguarding and whistleblowing and training records confirmed that staff had received regular and appropriate safeguarding training.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

Relatives told us the provider completed risk assessments for their family members and that they were fully involved in the process. They said risk management strategies helped to keep people safe but enabled them to achieve as much independence as possible.

Staff told us they had access to people’s care plans and risk assessments and always read them carefully before providing support to people. They said this was important as it provided essential guidance for them to follow to support and care for people appropriately. Staff told us they explained to people how they would provide care and support in order to minimise the identifed risks. Staff were confident and said they were well trained in using equipment to support people safely.

General risk assessments were carried out to do with the environment. Specific risk assessments were also in place such as for equipment used when supporting people. These helped to ensure people’s safety with the care and support provided by staff in the context of their individual needs.

Safe environments

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe environments during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

Relatives of people told us they thought the staff who supported them were well trained and knowledgeable. Comments included, “Our carer has a dedicated approach and is fully trained and has additional creative skills to help my [family member] with their individual needs”, “Staff are properly trained to support [family member’s] needs” and “Staff are well trained to care for my [family member]”.

Staff told us they received support through supervision. This included spot checks and team meetings. The registered manager acknowledged the frequency of formal one to one meetings did not meet the provider’s own policy to do with staff supervision. The registered manager assured us that this was understood. They showed us a new supervision matrix that set out regular six to eight weekly individual supervision for individual staff members. This was recently introduced together with a new supervision format. This set out the agenda for supervision meetings and included the direct work staff undertook with people. These measures when fully implemented should ensure staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and support. Staff told us they received effective training in core areas such as dealing with emergencies, first aid, infection control, the Mental Capacity Act, safeguarding, food hygiene and equality and diversity. Training programmes also included training on working with people whose behaviours resulted from anxiety and distress, epilepsy, autism and the administration of medicines. Managers told us this was to help to ensure staff had the right skills and knowledge to meet people’s needs.

The provider’s recruitment practices were followed to help make sure that all staff were suitable for their roles. The process included carrying out interviews, criminal records checks, proof of identity and taking up two references. This meant people were supported by staff whom the provider assessed to be safe to deliver care and support. Comprehensive training programmes were in place to help ensure staff were knowledgeable in the areas needed to support people effectively.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People’s relatives told us they had not encountered any issues with infection control procedures in use by staff when caring for their family members.

Staff told us they followed infection control guidance and procedures when supporting people with their personal care and with the administration of medicines. They said their practices were checked when spot checks were carried out. We saw evidence of this in the records we reviewed. Managers confirmed they carried out spot checks regularly and monitored infection control procedures carried out by staff as part of these checks. The registered manager told us that a recent appointment was made for a clinical lead to cover the nursing element of people’s care. They said the clinical lead checked nurses practices on a regular basis.

There was a staff training matrix in place that set out all the training staff had covered and what was planned for the year ahead. This enabled managers to keep a check on staff training and follow up where staff had not completed all the training expected of them. Refresher training in key areas was an annual event for staff. Training programmes included food hygiene and infection control.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

Relatives told us people’s health needs were well met and as far as they were aware there had been no issues or problems with people receiving their medicines.

Staff told us they had received medicines training and their knowledge of the policies and procedures to do with the safe administration of medicines was assessed by the registered manager before they were able to administer medicines. We saw records that showed staff received medicines training and that there were regular audits of medicines to help to ensure the safe management of medicines. The registered manager told us they had recently introduced a new process to monitor staff competencies, in order to ensure quality standards were maintained.

There was a policy and procedure in place that provided guidance about the safe administration of medicines. A medicines risk assessment was also completed to help make sure people received their prescribed medicines safely and at the right time. Staff received appropriate training on the safe administration of medicines.