20 April 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Wentworth Court is registered to provide accommodation, nursing and personal care to 62 older people and people living with a diagnosis of dementia. At the time of our inspection 59 people were receiving support at the service.
The home had a range of communal areas on each floor for people to enjoy, as well as two garden areas where people could sit and relax.
We found the following examples of good practice.
¿ People and their relatives were supported to maintain contact with their relatives. Additionally, alternative ways, including the use of technology, had supported people’s ability to remain in contact with their relatives. At the time of our inspection, visits were being supported. These were pre-booked and were carried out in accordance with government guidance on visiting.
¿ The management team ensured people’s relatives had frequent communication, which included fortnightly phone calls, a social media contact group. Additionally, the home had carried special events to make people’s relatives feel supported and involved, including a special valentine’s day event.
¿ The service focused on people living as normal and fulfilling life as possible. The management team discussed the varying impacts the COVID-19 pandemic had had on people. On the day of our inspection people enjoyed a COVID-19 safe visit from a petting zoo.
¿ Admission to the home was completed in line with COVID-19 guidance. People were only admitted following a negative COVID-19 test result and supported to self-isolate for up to 14 days following admission to reduce the risk of introducing infection.
¿ People’s health and wellbeing was monitored. People were observed for symptoms of COVID-19 and other potential infections. Staff had received further training to focus on promoting people’s health and wellbeing. Healthcare professionals had continued to provide clinical support to people when this was required. This included assistance with their medical needs.
¿ The service had been involved in a special pilot around social care assessments using virtual communications. The management discussed how this pilot, alongside virtual support from their GP and pharmacist, had enabled people to be supported whilst reducing unnecessary visits to the home.
¿ Action had been taken to reduce the risk of infection spreading which had included the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Staff had received training and support in relation to infection control and COVID-19. The management team observed staff practice ensuring they were following the correct use of PPE.
¿ The management team had clear plans in relation to the isolation of people affected by COVID-19 and the cohorting of staff to reduce the spread of infection.
¿ People and staff were tested in line with national guidance for care homes.
¿ As part of full infection control measures laundry and waste arrangements had been correctly implemented to reduce the spread of infection.
¿ Cleaning schedules had been enhanced and were followed by care and maintenance staff. This included the additional cleaning of frequently touched surfaces to reduce the risk of infection spreading. People told us that the home was clean and that staff wore PPE as required.
¿ The provider’s policy for managing COVID-19 and related infection prevention and control procedures had been reviewed and kept up to date. COVID-19 guidance was also kept up to date for staff reference.