- Dentist
Highcliffe Dental Practice - Wells and Grau Limited
All Inspections
27 August 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
This inspection was undertaken to check that the provider had addressed the concerns. We found that the provider had taken appropriate steps to identify the possibility of abuse and to respond appropriately.
21 June 2013
During a routine inspection
We were able to speak with two people during our inspection to obtain their views about the service they received from the practice. They were both very positive about the treatment they had received.
One person told us that before they attended the practice they had a phobia about dentists. They said they could not speak highly enough about the treatment they had received at the practice.
Both people told us they were given comprehensive information about treatment options available to them and were provided with written treatment plans. They said appointments for treatment were arranged to suit them and if they needed urgent treatment it was arranged quickly. They told us their medical history was reviewed with them at every visit.
We saw the provider had measures in place that ensured people were effectively protected from the risk of infections.
Staff had undertaken training that was appropriate to the work they performed and ensured their continued registration with the General Dental Council.
The provider had arrangements in place that ensured the quality of the service provided was monitored and working practices were checked to ensure procedures were followed properly.