26 February 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
The service supported people in understanding risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic. When needed, staff gently reminded people about infection prevention measures. It was also discussed in people's one to one meetings with staff and in the home's residents' meetings. There was signage in the communal areas of the home reminding people about social distancing and other infection prevention measures.
There were suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available that was restocked weekly. We saw that staff were wearing masks when in the communal areas of the home. Staff encouraged more vulnerable people using the service to use masks in the communal areas so the risk of infection for them was reduced. Most people were happy with this arrangement and they wore masks as suggested. PPE was offered to visitors on the entry to the home. Hand sanitiser gels were available in staff offices and the main communal areas. We recommended that additional hand sanitiser gels were provided at the points of entry to the service and the corridors leading to people’s bedrooms. We also recommended that the sink in the staff office, which was used for the visitors to wash their hands on their arrival at the home, was solely used for this purpose.
All staff and all but one person using the service were participating in the care home testing programme. All professionals and people’s visitors visiting the home were offered lateral flow testing for COVID-19 (short term tests providing immediate results). They were required to do the test before conducting their visit at the home.
There was a cleaning regime at the home to ensure people lived in a clean environment. The domestic member of staff undertook wide-ranging cleaning tasks throughout the week. The home’s night staff were tasked with the cleaning of the service during the weekend. Staff were following a service users' room cleaning rota to ensure each person’s room was cleaned regularly. In one case, due to the person's vulnerable health, staff cleaned their room daily. This ensured the risk of any infection was further reduced.
The registered manager carried out daily visual checks to ensure staff and people using the service followed infection control and prevention measures. We recommended that these checks were recorded for audit and future reference purpose.