We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at OHP Drayton Medical Practice on 21 January 2019 as part of our inspection programme.
We based our judgement of the quality of care at this service on a combination of:
- what we found when we inspected
- information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and
- information from the provider, patients, the public and other organisations.
We have rated this practice as good overall and good for all population groups.
We found that:
- The practice provided care in a way that kept patients safe and protected them from avoidable harm.
- Patients received effective care and treatment that met their needs.
- Staff dealt with patients with kindness and respect and involved them in decisions about their care.
- The practice organised and delivered services to meet patients’ needs. Patients could access care and treatment in a timely way.
- The practice had a part-time community and care co-ordinator to help assist patients of any age in need of help, support and advice by offering a signposting service and support.
- Regular meetings were held with staff to communicate to share information and practice performance.
- Leaders were knowledgeable about issues and priorities relating to the quality and future of services. They understood the challenges and were addressing them.
- The way the practice was led and managed promoted the delivery of high-quality, person-centre care.
Whilst we found no breaches of regulations, the provider should:
- Review the significant events reporting and recording system to improve the quality of patient care from lessons learnt.
- Ensure the parents/guardians and siblings of children on a protection plan or in need are identified on the practice clinical system.
- Extend the database of safety alerts to include all prescribing guidance.
- Develop a formal system for reviewing nurse clinical decisions made in minor illness/injury clinics held.
- Provide the escalation route to complainants should they not be happy with the outcome or the management of their complaint.
Details of our findings and the evidence supporting our ratings are set out in the evidence tables.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGPChief Inspector of General Practice