Updated 21 December 2018
The Provider of this service is Kingsway Surgery, which is located at 42 Kings Way, South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 5QH. The provider is registered to provide the following regulated activities:
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Family planning
Treatment of disease, disorder and injury
Maternity and midwifery Services
The Kingsway Surgery has approximately 6000 patients registered with this practice.
There is one male partner and one female partner. The practice has two practice nurses and two nurse prescribers. There is also a health care assistant. Clinicians are supported by a practice manager and a team of reception and administrative staff.
The practice population is predominantly White British with an age distribution of male and female patients. The patients come from a range of income categories with an average for the practice being in the tenth most deprived category. One being the most deprived and ten being the least deprived. The practice has a lower than average number of patients over the age of 65 years and about 5.4% of patients are over the age of 75 years with about 20.1% under the age of 18 which is in line with local and national averages.
The practice opening hours are between 8.30 am and 6pm Monday to Friday. The practice also provides Saturday appointments between the times of 9am – 12pm twice per month. Out-of-hours cover is commissioned by the Mid Essex CCG for evening and weekends and can be accessed by patients by ringing 111.
The current provider registered with the CQC in November 2017 as a partnership from an individual provider of regulated activities at this location. Previously, the individual provider had been registered with the CQC in their sole capacity and had been delivering regulated activities at the practice. There had been continuity of leadership and staffing between the previous and current provider.
The practice is due to move premises in the Summer of 2019. They will be sharing the new site with two other practices from the local area. The new site will also be shared with community services such as district nurses and health visitors.
Kingsway Surgery also has a branch surgery known as Anson Close Surgery. We did not visit this surgery as part of this inspection.