During our inspection we spoke with two people who had attended for appointments, four members of the Patient Participation Group (PPG), one GP, the practice manager, a practice nurse, a health care assistant, the site manager, the chaplain employed to work in the practice and two members of reception staff.People told us they were fully involved in discussions and decisions about their treatment and said they were listened to by the doctors and nurses in the practice. Comments included, 'The choices I had for my treatment were all discussed' and 'Staff are nice; they listen to you'.
People were very satisfied with the way they were treated by staff. The comments they made to us included, 'Staff are all totally caring and professional' and 'Staff don't look at you funny because of your age; they just look at what you are here for'.
The practice had policies in place in relation to safeguarding children and adults. Staff had undertaken appropriate training and were aware of the action to take should they have any concerns about people who attended the practice.
Staff told us they enjoyed working at the practice and felt supported by other members of the team. Comments included, 'It's wonderful to work here' and 'We all care for each other and work well as a staff team'.
The provider had appropriate systems in place to monitor the quality of service provision. We found people's views had been taken into account in the way the service was provided.