- GP practice
Dr Michael Coggan
All Inspections
30 August 2016
During a routine inspection
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Dr Michael Coggan (Otherwise known as Harewood Surgery) on 30 August 2016. We returned on 05 September 2016 to review information unavailable to us during the visit on 30 August 2016. Overall the practice is rated as good.
Our key findings across all the areas we inspected were as follows:
- Staff members knew how to raise concerns, and report safety incidents. Safety information was recorded and issues identified were shared with staff members.
- Risks to patients were assessed and documented including those associated with; premises, equipment, medicines, and infection control.
- Patient care was planned and provided to reflect best practice using recommended current clinical guidance.
- Patient comments were positive about the practice during the inspection and members of the practice patient participation group told us they were involved with practice development.
- Information regarding how to complain was available in an easy to read format.
- Patients told us there were urgent appointments available on the day they were requested.
- The practice had suitable facilities and equipment to treat patients and meet their health requirement needs.
- Staff members told us they were supported in their working roles by the practice management and the GPs.
- The dispensary processes and procedures were found to be appropriate and designed to keep people safe. However the dispensing staff members had limited understanding of the practice’s agreed process for changing medicines after hospital discharge.
- The practice had identified 18 patients as carer’s and this equated to 0.6% of their patient population.
The areas where the provider should make improvements:
- Improve and maximise the system used to identify carer’s at the practice.
- Record verbal complaints and the action taken to resolve them and cascade the learning to staff working at the practice to prevent reoccurrence.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice
28 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We saw staff spoke politely to people in the reception area and that consultations were carried out in private treatment rooms.
People told us they experienced treatment and care that met their needs. We received positive comments from five people about the care provided by the surgery. For example, one person told us: 'They are always very caring, and you can always get an appointment the same day.' and another person told us: 'Both the doctor and the nurses are very understanding.'
We saw the surgery had appropriate medicines management arrangements in place to protect people from the risks associated with medicine.
The surgery had effective recruitment processes to ensure appropriate checks had been undertaken before staff began working for the surgery.
We were shown the audits completed by the surgery which monitored the quality of service people received. We examined both paper and electronic records held at the surgery and found they were accurate, appropriately maintained and kept securely.
We found the surgery to be caring, effective and well led.