This practice is rated as Good overall. The previous rating from 27 October 2017 was good overall with requires improvement in the responsive key question due to continued levels of poor patient satisfaction.
The key questions at this inspection are rated as:
Are services safe? – Good
Are services effective? – Good
Are services caring? – Good
Are services responsive? – Requires Improvement
Are services well-led? - Good
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at The Park medical centre on
29 October 2018 as a follow-up inspection to ensure that the practice had made improvements in areas that were identified during the last inspection.
At this inspection we found:
- The practice had clear and comprehensive safeguarding systems and processes to ensure that patients were safe.
- The practice’s uptake of childhood immunisations was in line with local and national averages in areas. The practice was continuing to take action to improve those that had not met targets.
- Uptake rates of cancer screening were below local and national averages. The practice was aware of this and was taking action to address it.
- Quality improvement activity conducted by the practice was useful and accurate and had led to improvements in patient care.
- Patient satisfaction with the practice in terms of kindness, involvement and dignity were comparable with local and national averages. Some areas were 100%.
- A full range of patient feedback relating to access was considered by the practice, who had adjusted services to meet patient need. These had not yet been fully reflected in GP patient survey satisfaction results and access remained an issue for patients who we spoke with and from CQC comment cards. Unverified data provided by the practice indicated that some improvements to patient satisfaction had been made in terms of online access and access to local hub centres through the federation.
- There was a strong focus on continuous learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Consider ways to improve infection control practices relating to furnishing and recording.
- Continue to look for proactive ways to identify and support carers.
- Continue with efforts to improve immunisation and cancer screening uptake rates.
- Consider further ways to gather feedback to demonstrate improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice
Please refer to the detailed report and the evidence tables for further information.