22 December 2023
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust is a large provider of acute services, serving a population of approximately 800,000 in outer North East London and Essex. The trust operates from two sites: Queen's Hospital and King George Hospital, with approximately 900 beds across both sites. The trust employs over 8000 permanent staff, sees over 300,000 attendees through their emergency departments and delivers over 7000 babies a year.
In the last year, Queen’s Hospital emergency department saw 60,806 adults and 23,333 children.
Patients present to the emergency department either by walking into the reception area of the urgent treatment centre which is managed by another provider and is co-located on one level with the emergency department of Queen’s Hospital or arriving by ambulance via a dedicated ambulance-only entrance directly into the emergency department. Patients arriving at the urgent treatment centre are assessed and directed to the trust’s emergency department if required.
The emergency department has different areas where patients are treated depending on their needs, including a rapid assessment and first treatment area (RAFT), resuscitation (resus), majors, same day emergency care (SDEC) and the children’s emergency department which is a separate unit with its own waiting area and bays within the department.
We last inspected the trust’s emergency departments in November 2022 due to ongoing concerns regarding the urgent and emergency care pathway and patient safety. The emergency department at Queen’s Hospital was rated overall inadequate. At this inspection our rating of Queen’s Hospital emergency department improved. We rated it is as requires improvement overall.
Medical care (including older people’s care)
22 June 2018
Our rating of this service improved. We rated it as good because:
- Compliance with mandatory training completion exceeded the trust’s standard of 90% in all courses for nursing staff, including in safeguarding.
- We found consistently good standards of adherence with infection control processes, which reflected improvements made since our last inspection.
- There was a consistent drive from staff at all levels to improve patient safety through effective risk management systems including audit and practice development.
- Staff demonstrated substantial knowledge in safeguarding principles and adapted trust and national guidance to meet the needs of their patient groups.
- Auditing was part of the trust’s strategy to ensure services were evidence-based, contributed to ongoing accreditation and benchmarked the service. This included on a local and national level.
- Several teams were research active and demonstrated how this resulted in improved patient outcomes. This included a reduced average length of stay in the respiratory wards and significantly improved community rehabilitation access for patients.
- The endoscopy service was accredited by the Joint Advisory Group (JAG) on GI Endoscopy, which meant care and treatment was benchmarked and audited against national and international best practice.
- Staff demonstrated kindness and compassion and the ability to communicate openly with patients. This was reflected in the results of the NHS Friends and Family Test and from our observations.
- Specialist teams were in place for learning disabilities and dementia care. The teams were readily available and ward teams had access to tools and training to aid communication and care.
- Significant work from allied health professionals had been focused on improving discharge planning and processes and improving access to community rehabilitation and reablement services.
- There was significant evidence of wide-reaching improvements in staff engagement from senior trust teams and ward leadership teams.
- Mandatory training compliance amongst doctors was variable and did not meet the overall 90% standard.
- Results from monthly clinical records audits indicated highly variable practice, with significant and persistent poor performance in the completion of nurse-led transfer checklists.
- Although divisional risk and governance teams used risk registers, risks were not always reviewed in a timely manner and risks of up to 11 months had occurred with no effective control measures in place.
- Between November 2016 and October 2017 RTTs, as a percentage within 18 weeks, varied from 73% to 88%. This was worse than the national average.
Services for children & young people
7 March 2017
There was clear and sustained improvement from our previous inspection. This included the implementation of an audit programme that led to benchmarking of care standards and improvements in practice.
There was improvement in learning from incidents and how these were communicated with staff, including examples of changes in practice and policy as a result of learning.
Improvements had been made in nurse staffing levels, with an increase in recruitment and a reduction of turnover. Although there was still a vacancy rate of 11% in the nurse team, 15 new staff nurses were due to start and an overseas recruitment programme had been successful in attracting qualified nurses to the hospital.
Medical staffing levels were consistently good and medical care was consultant-led, with support provided by other clinicians with appropriate training and specialist knowledge.
Safeguarding procedures were robust and embedded in clinical practice and a system of meetings, staff training, supervision and audits acted as checks and balances to ensure children were protected from avoidable harm.
Services were benchmarked against the guidance and standards of national health organisations as a measure of good practice. This included audits of the care received by patients with diabetes and epilepsy. The outcomes of audits resulted in improvements to the service.
Practice development nurses provided support in staff development including competency assessments, training sessions and one-to-one support. In addition, staff were provided with the opportunity to develop specialist link roles. This represented part of a broader programme to encourage staff training and development.
A weekly multidisciplinary psychosocial meeting ensured patients with complex needs or those who needed community social support were reviewed by a specialist team. Staff used this meeting to plan complex discharges, review safeguarding alerts and ensure care and treatment met individual needs.
Feedback from patients and their parents was consistently good in the trust’s in-house ‘I want great care’ survey. Staff demonstrated kind, compassionate and friendly care in all of our observations and all of the parents we spoke with told us they were happy with the service.
Services were planned to meet the needs of the local population. This included Saturday outpatient clinics, a daily phlebotomy service and a weekly visit from a peripatetic local authority school teacher.
Two dedicated play specialists and two play workers were available in Tropical Bay and Tropical Lagoon wards and children had access to a range of activities, equipment and toys. This included two indoor play areas and a secure outdoor play area attached to Tropical Lagoon. A sensory room and mobile sensory equipment were also provided.
A dedicated paediatric learning disability nurse had introduced support resources for patients, including a children’s hospital passport and visual communication tools. This helped staff to build a relationship with patients who found it challenging to make themselves understood.
Transition services were in place for when a child moved into adult services. This was a structured approach that provided patients with gradually increasing levels of independence followed by the support of both children’s and adult’s nurses as they moved.
Clinical governance structures enabled staff to monitor risks to the service and involve patients and staff in improvements. This was achieved through various means including a patient safety summit, clinical safety and quality meetings, whole unit team meetings and the use of a risk register to track changes in risk status.
Changes to leadership in children’s services had been well received by staff and as part of the trust’s ongoing improvement programme, a new lead nurse was due to join the hospital in January 2017 with a remit of improving communication between hospital services and the care of young people.
Staff were encouraged to provide feedback on their work and hospital policies and this was acted upon. In addition, staff with an interest in research were supported to participate to help inform innovative practice.
However, environmental safety and waste management standards were not always consistent. This was because access to areas used to store sharps bins and waste was sometimes uncontrolled and there was a lack of compliance with fire safety guidance in some areas.
Multidisciplinary staff did not attend nurse and medical handovers or ward rounds and short staffing in therapies teams meant there was inconsistent input from physiotherapy and dietetics and no occupational therapy service. This was evident in the inconsistent standards of nutrition risk assessments in patient records.
Local audits identified documentation of consent to treatment as an area for improvement. Nursing staff were aware of this and handovers included a discussion of which patients had consent forms completed.
Outpatients and diagnostic imaging
7 March 2017
There was evidence of significant improvements in outpatient, diagnostic and imaging services. There had been an 88% reduction in the overall backlog of patients waiting over 52 weeks since May 2016.
Staff were aware of how to report incidents and could clearly demonstrate how and when incidents had been reported. Lessons were learnt from incidents and shared across the trust.
The trust had changed their patient records system and introduced the electronic patient record (EPR).
There were appropriate protocols in place for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. Staff were aware of the requirements of their roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.
Patients’ and staff views were actively sought and there was evidence of improvement and development of staff and services. Staffing levels and skill mix were planned to ensure the delivery of outpatient, diagnostic and imaging services at all times. All new staff completed a corporate and local induction. Staff were competent to perform their roles and took part in benchmarking and accreditation schemes.
Medicines were found to be in date and stored securely in locked cupboards. Staff were able to describe the procedure if a patient became unwell in their department and knew how to locate the major incident policy on the intranet.
All the patients, relatives and carers we spoke with were positive about the way staff treated people. There was a visible person-centred culture in most departments. Patients and relatives told us they were involved in decision making about their care and treatment. People’s individual preferences and needs were reflected in how care was delivered.
Work was in progress to conduct a demand and capacity analysis to enable the service to develop a model whereby the hospital could assess and effectively manage the demands on the service. The hospital was using a range of private providers to assist in clearing the backlog of appointments.
Patients attending outpatients and diagnostic imaging departments received care and treatment that was evidence based. The service was monitoring the care and treatment outcomes of patients who were receiving outsourced care from providers in the private sector.
Outpatients, diagnostic and imaging services had introduced extended clinics seven days a week to clear patient waiting list backlogs.
There was a formal complaints process for people to use. Complaints information, as well as patient experience information was fed into the trust governance processes and trust board with formal reporting mechanisms.
Most local managers demonstrated good leadership within their department. Managers had knowledge of performance in their areas of responsibility and understood the risks and challenges to the service. There was a system of governance and risk management meetings at both departmental and divisional levels.
However , we also found:
Outpatients and diagnostic imaging services were in transition. The strategy for these services was in development. There were a number of new senior managers who had introduced new quality assurance and risk measurement systems. However, these were not fully embedded.
We found alcohol hand sanitising gel dispensers in the ground floor outpatients waiting area and diagnostic and imaging department entrance were empty. Staff in the diagnostic and imaging department did not observe best practice guidance on hand washing or using sanitising gel between patients. The first floor outpatients’ department corridor was being used as a waiting area and this created a risk due to patients waiting in the corridor.
Privacy curtains were not being drawn in the main diagnostic and imaging department, and the emergency room in ophthalmology had bays that did not promote patients’ privacy and dignity. Phlebotomy waiting rooms were full and there appeared to be limited space for the phlebotomy service’s footprint to expand.
The percentage of patients who did not attend (DNA) their appointment was above the England average. Staff told us they were not confident of meeting the standard for patients waiting less than 18 weeks by their target date of March 2017. The trust’s performance for the 62 day cancer waiting time was consistently below the England average. Appointments cancelled by the hospital were also higher than the England average.
Some staff in the diagnostics and imaging team said there was a lack of clarity around their roles and responsibilities.
22 June 2018
Our rating of this service improved. We rated it as good because:
- In 2017, an extra 5000 operations and 95000 outpatient appointments had been undertaken as part of the trust’s recovery and improvement plan.
- The trust had achieved the target 5% reduction in falls per 1000 bed days.
- There had been some improvement on monitoring adherence to national guidelines and some improvement in completion of national and internal audits.
- Patients were protected from the risks of surgery by improved engagement in the ‘fiver steps to safer surgery’ checks in the operating theatre department.
- From November 2016 to October 2017 the trust’s referral to treatment time (RTT) for admitted pathways for surgery remained similar to the average for England.
- Risks to people were assessed, monitored and managed on a day-to day basis. Staff understood their responsibilities and actions required in identifying patients at risk from deterioration, harm and abuse.
- Staff were qualified and had the skills to carry out their roles effectively and in line with best practice.
- Patients’ individual needs were taken into account and the service was planned around the demands of the local people.
- Arrangements were in place to ensure patients with additional needs were supported and could access care.
- Staff understood and adhered to relevant legislation when obtaining consent for surgical interventions.
- Clinical governance systems had become more integrated since our previous inspection. This was enabled by the appointment of designated quality and risk advisors, and a nursing audit schedule.
- The surgical division did not meet its targets for patients to be seen within 18 weeks.
- Staff and managers were unable to confirm the number of clinically significant wound infections on the surgical wards in the past year and unable to identify trends in infection in the hospital. We were told that the infection prevention and control team did not have a system to identify trends in infection.
- Seven-day services were not provided by therapy staff which could cause delays in rehabilitation and discharge planning.
- The service had been unable to deliver an increase in discharge rates between 8am and 12 noon.
- Compliance with mandatory training for medical and dental staff was below the trust’s target.
- Compliance with appraisal for therapy staff was below the trust’s target.
- There was limited access to counselling and psychology services for patients.
- There was some evidence of multidisciplinary working between medical staff, nursing staff and allied healthcare professionals. However, multidisciplinary team meetings and ward rounds did not always include all necessary staff.
- Recording and reporting of local audits across the division was inconsistent. An electronic reporting system introduced in 2017 for this purpose was not being used.
- The temperature of medicines storage was not monitored in all areas.
- General Surgery and ENT patients at Queen's Hospital had a higher expected risk of readmission for non-elective admissions than the average for England.