- Homecare service
Alina Homecare- Epping and Loughton
Report from 30 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 7 to 11 November 2024. This service is a care at home agency providing support to adults of all ages. CQC only inspects where people are receiving the regulated activity of personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we consider any wider social care provided. At the time of this assessment 8 people were receiving personal care support. The service had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns easily. People were protected and kept safe. Staff understood and managed risks. There were enough staff with the right skills and experience. People’s medicines were managed safely. People were involved in assessments of their needs. Staff worked well with other agencies involved in people’s care. Staff made sure people understood their care and treatment to enable them to give informed consent. People were treated with kindness and compassion. Staff protected their privacy and dignity. They treated them as individuals and supported their preferences. The service supported staff wellbeing. People were involved in planning and making decisions about their care. The service provided information in formats people could understand. People received fair and equal care and treatment. Leaders and staff had a shared vision and culture based on listening, learning and trust. Leaders were knowledgeable and supportive. Staff were able to give feedback and were treated equally, free from bullying or harassment. There was a culture of continuous learning and improvement to ensure people received good quality care.
People's experience of this service
People and those important to them spoke positively about the quality of care provided. People told us they felt safe and well supported. Comments included, “The carers are very professional and have exceeded my expectations”, “I think they are very professional. I’m very impressed and I’m very comfortable with them all” and “They are so good, It is first class care, and such a weight off my mind to have it in place.” People told us staff arrived on time and their care was not rushed. People said staff were respectful and caring. People told us they felt listened to. Comments included, “They are always on time” “I am more than satisfied with them, they’re more like friends now” and “They are very kind. They sit and listen to me.” People felt able to raise any issues with the service and were confident action would be taken and improvements made. People and their relatives knew the registered manager well and told us they were approachable and easy to contact. Comments included, “[Registered manager] has given us such help”, “ I speak with [registered manager] once or twice a week, they’re very involved” and “I feel that I now have a voice. I’m really happy.”