• Care Home
  • Care home

Valley Park Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Park Street, Wombwell, Barnsley, S73 0HQ (01226) 751745

Provided and run by:
Your Care Provider Ltd

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Report from 16 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 11 December 2024

The management team promoted an open transparent culture that was inclusive and met the needs of people. The management team were fully aware of their roles and responsibilities and the lines of accountability. The management team promoted an open transparent culture that was inclusive and met the needs of people. The management were inclusive, staff spoke very highly of the team. The provider had systems in place to quality monitor the service. However, we found some minor issues with infection control, the audit tool was improved by the registered manager following our site visit and the completed tool was sent to us, this evidenced action had been taken.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The registered manager told us, “There is real teamwork noted with all staff, and they are all invested in the home and the care they are providing. Staff morale is good, staff are aware of their roles and expectations and feel comfortable approaching management with any concerns, assured that these will be dealt with appropriately. I have an open-door policy, and I am confident that staff are comfortable in approaching me to discuss concerns whether it is work related or personal. We have an employee of the month and employee of the year.” Staff also told us they worked well as a team and supported each other. All staff we spoke with told us they felt supported by management.

There was an open and transparent culture at the service. The processes promoted this.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The management team were aware of their roles and responsibilities and the lines of accountability. Staff told us the management team were open and honest. One staff member said, “We are very good at communicating, the managers door is always open and we are listened to.”

There were processes in place to promote effective communication at all levels to ensure all staff embodied the culture and values of the service.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

People and their relatives felt they could raise concerns and felt listened to. Relatives said, any issues raised were dealt with and resolved. Staff said they could speak up. Staff supported each other as a team and spoke positively about the support from the manager and deputy.

The provider's complaints process was displayed in the service. People and relatives felt confident they could raise concerns, and they would be listened to. The staff team were described as very approachable. There were regular meetings held to ensure a positive culture was fostered.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

The registered manager valued diversity in the workforce. They explained they regularly held staff meetings where staff had an opportunity to get together, discuss improvements in the service whilst working together as a team to improve equality and equity.

There were processes in place to ensure workforce diversity and inclusion. All staff completed appropriate training and were aware of the providers culture and values.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

The registered manager explained they had systems in place to quality monitor the service to drive improvements. Staff had clear responsibilities, roles and accountability.

The provider had systems in place to quality monitor the service, these were predominantly effective. However, the infection control audit had not always identified areas for improvement. This has been addressed by the registered manager since our site visit.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People received care that met their needs, as the provider worked in partnership with health care professionals to ensure collaborative working.

The management team had a strong commitment to improving the service.

The local authority told us the service worked in partnership with them, shared concerns and good practice and understood their duty to work collaboratively.

Processes were in place to ensure collaborative working so service work seamlessly for people.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

management team understood their duty of candour, to be open and honest when things went wrong. They were committed to continually improving the service.

The registered manager and provider had systems in place to ensure lessons were learnt. They also encouraged creative ways of delivering positive outcomes for people.