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JM Kamau Ltd T/A ProField Also known as ProField Care

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Unit 104, Regents Pavilion, 4 Summerhouse Road, Moulton Park Industrial Estate, Northampton, NN3 6BJ (01604) 266555

Provided and run by:
J.M. Kamau Limited

Report from 8 August 2024 assessment

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Updated 4 November 2024

SAFE We reviewed all 8 quality statements under this key question: learning culture, safe systems, pathways and transitions, safeguarding, involving people to manage risk, safe environments, safe and effective staffing, infection prevention and control and medicines optimisation. Improvements were needed to ensure medicines policy and care plans were in line with current guidelines and being followed by staff. The manager addressed our concerns during the assessment. However we were not assured staff had been appropriately trained, observed and assessed as competent, specifically in medication management There were enough trained staff to meet people’s needs. There were effective infection prevention and control measures in place. Information was shared with staff to learn from and make improvements to the quality-of-service people received through staff meetings.

This service scored 66 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People told us they felt safe and supported by staff. Comments included, “Yes always feel safe with any of the staff”

Staff told us they felt listened to and are taken seriously.

We saw evidence of learning outcomes within team meetings. However, during the assessment, we still identified concerns relating to care plans, Example being people with diabetes care plans did not contain signs to look out for, this was discussed and put in place during assessment.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 2

People told us they were happy with the systems in place to contact the agency.

Staff said there are systems in place to support them in their role, such as all care plans and risk assessments are on their care planning tool.

The Local Authority told us there are currently 18 Funded individuals with provider, there has been no notifications (this is where a provider notifies us if any incidents or concerns) raised in the last 12 months.

The registered manager had processes in place to ensure staff had access to care plans, risk assessments, training and Personal Protective Equipment.However, we saw care plans, with insufficient guidance, this was updated during the assessment.


Score: 3

People said they felt safe and supported to understand and manage any risks. One person said, “Yes always safe with any of the staff”.

Staff told us they had completed safeguarding training and were confident to report their concerns to the management team. Staff said they were confident that any concerns raised would be listened to and acted upon, but also confident to report externally to relevant professionals by whistle blowing procedures if required.

Processes, policies and systems in place to ensure people are kept safe from the risk of harm and abuse. The registered manager worked with local partners when there are safeguarding concerns.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 2

People said they have considerate support delivered by competent people. One person said, “Yes they understand my needs and I always feel safe, at the moment no complaints all good “

Staff said they were kept up to date about people’s current needs and associated risks. Staff confirmed they access peoples care plans and risk assessments through their electronic care planning system, and that when there is a change, they are also informed by WhatsApp and phone call.

Peoples care plans contained risk assessments which included guidance for staff on how to reduce known risks however there was not a sufficient risk assessment in place for controlled drugs.There was still not sufficient guidance in place for supporting people with their Convene. These were both updated during the assessment.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People said they felt safe and supported to understand and manage risks. One relative said “Recently mum had a gas leak, and I got a call about it and to say the Gas Board was dealing with it-I live away, so this was really helpful ".

Staff said they had all the equipment they needed to enable them to do their job safely.

The provider had plans in place to help maintain a safe service should there be an emergency event such as severe weather.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People said they felt safe and knew what to do and who to contact if things might be at risk of going wrong, all the people that we spoke to said they would be happy to speak to the carers and the managers if they needed to.

Staff said there were enough staff. Staff said they received adequate training and felt supported by the management. They have regular team meetings where they can share views and discuss any concerns.

The registered manager ensures there are enough staff to support people with their care and support needs. Records showed that all required pre- employment checks had taken place.However, we saw no evidence of staff having been appropriately trained, observed and assessed as competent, specifically in medication management in relation to supporting with controlled drugs at the time of the assessment one person had a controlled drug on as required.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People said they felt safe, they told us carers kept areas clean and used PPE where appropriate.

Staff said they had received training in infection prevention and control. They had adequate supplies of personal protective equipment.

The provider had an infection control policy in place and staff have access to this via their device. However, there was no guidance for supporting people with convene in regard to infection prevention.The provider had an up-to-date business continuity plan.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 2

People said they received considerate support delivered by competent staff and we saw evidence of carer staff contacting family when medicines were running low. However, we were not assured people were always receiving their medication as prescribed. We looked at 2 people’s daily notes that were not clear about whether they had been given their Lansoprazole correctly.

Staff had received training in medicines as part of their induction. Staff were not following care plans when supporting with controlled drugs due to care plans having incorrect information, this was rectified during assessment.

We were not assured the providers medicine policy was fully in line with current guidelines. Care plans reflected the medicines policy however carers were not always following care plan guidance. For example, when supporting with controlled drugs, we saw no evidence of care staff contacting the manager for advice/ to report incorrect guidance on care plan. We did see evidence of this being discussed at a team meeting. The care plan and medicines policy were both updated during the assessment. There was a process in place to audit medicines records, these were completed monthly however these were not always effective. For example, audits have not identified errors relating to medicines signed as administered when out stock. During the assessment the Registered Manager has implemented additional weekly audits. One Person’s care plan still states “requires his convene to be put on at night when going to bed” still no information recorded to evidence risks had been assessed and there was no information provided to care staff within the care plan on how to provide this support safely and to minimise risks such as infection. This placed the person at potential risk of harm. This was updated during assessment. Providers medicines policy was not followed in relation to controlled drugs. Both Policies and care plans were updated during assessment. Providers medicines policy was not followed in relation to controlled drugs. Both Policies and care plans were updated during assessment.