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Park View Road
Report from 30 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
This key question has been rated good. We reviewed 7 quality statements for this key question. Although there was systems and processes in place, there was shortfalls in identifying issues. The registered manager participated in the assessment process and was responsive throughout. Staff felt supported and involved in the development of the service.
This service scored 71 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Leaders shared the direction of the service and promoted a positive culture through staff meetings, support and supervisions. Staff confirmed they attended detailed staff meetings where information was shared, and they felt supported to promote the values of the service.
The provider promoted an open culture environment. We found evidence of clear communication between management and staff especially relating to the expectations, standards and values that need to be adhered to. Management was open and honest when things went wrong, and shared this with the whole team to learn from.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
Staff gave positive feedback about the registered manager and the management team. They told us the management, "Are supportive. At times we feel like they can do more so we will ask them to help and they will."
The provider had effective systems to ensure progression and promotion of staff who were able to demonstrate values and culture which aligned with the providers goals. The registered manager demonstrated their integrity and passion to ensure safe care and treatment is provided to people.
Freedom to speak up
Staff were aware of the whistle blowing policy and told us they felt confident to raise concerns with the management team. They also told us, when they have raised concerns, actions were taken.
Safe systems were in place to ensure staff were able to report concerns following the correct processes. Staff had access to the whistle blowing policy which was kept in view in the office. We found evidence staff had reported concerns and the provider had investigated all concerns appropriately. Staff were encouraged during staff meetings to be open and transparent.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff reported they felt supported by the management team. Staff told us they felt they were treated equally and fairly.
The providers recruitment process and internal processes meant staff were recruited fairly and workforce equity was promoted. We observed a diverse staff team which aligned with the diversity of the people in the service.
Governance, management and sustainability
There were systems and processes in place for monitoring however, improvements needed to be made. Feedback from the leaders identified shortfalls in processes which were acknowledged and accepted, for example when we identified concerns with medicine management, the provider immediately updated their processes. The provider was responsive to feedback and took immediate action.
The provider did not have consistently effective governance systems in the service to drive improvement. Whilst there was evidence of monitoring systems in the service, these were not always effective in identifying shortfalls and monitoring when actions were taken. For example, despite staff completing accident and incident forms, there was no overall audit completed for accident, incidents or safeguarding's. This meant the registered manager was unable to demonstrate their oversight and analysis of any potential patterns or trends.
Partnerships and communities
Relatives told us they felt the service worked well integrating people into the local communities.
Staff and leaders worked effectively with various other professionals and documented any involvement. Staff could evidence how people were regularly supported to be involved in the local communities.
There was evidence of external professionals being involved in the planning and reviewing of care for people.
The provider had effective systems in place for successful collaborative working with partners, sharing information and learning where appropriate to drive improvements in the quality of the service provided.
Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff were confident to raise concerns which leaders actioned. Staff told us lessons learnt were clearly communicated in the service. Leaders were able to demonstrate the process for sharing of lessons learnt.
The provider has fostered an open culture whereby staff are confident to raise concerns, knowing these will be fully investigated. We have seen evidence of this in practice, and clear evidence of appropriate actions taken when things have gone wrong. The provider had robust systems to ensure lessons were learned, and communicated to all staff.